I have a wild imagination and it’s also quite filmic! Mix that in with a nervous energy, a slightly manic way and now a newly discovered neuro-divergent awareness of myself, I love things to be FAILURE PROOF!
Where does your head go if you don’t keep ‘ lid on it’ or ‘ face the fear’ or ‘eat the toad’ or ‘shake it Off’ or ‘ignore it’? The truth seems almost dull compared to where MY head has gone!
I know I’m not alone!
Inspired by @hayleymorris3 and @clairenicolestansfield here, I am talking about ‘brain’ and where my head goes and how actually, by having a celebrant, your imagination of the worst case scenario is soothed and put the rest.

Will he turn up?
What if the roof caves in?
Omg, the guests are going to think I look like a wanna be ‘proper’ bride!
Does my bridesmaids really have my back?
SOOOOO many nasties just sitting on your shoulder having a little word in your left ear – you are almost tempted to run away into the woods!
But pause! Everything you want is usually the other side of some sort of fear.
The only time you should run to the woods is to get a profile shot like this lol! (I love this Denim bike Jacket from Depicted Denim)

A Celebrant will help your nerves, your sense of control, your ability to know where you are with it all and to generally keep you from biting your nails; Why? Because I give you a rehearsal and so the fear of the unknown is banished! Plus of course I keep in contact through the engagement and wedding planning journey.
I will give you security in the familiar. You won’t feel so in danger because you will recognise it and know the emotion come the day of the ceremony. For any neuro divergent folk out there, or those coping with anxiety or general control freaks amongst us, a Celebrant IS the answer.

Honestly, 20 years of Theatre management, Mum of 3, a pub landlord and a floristry assistant as past jobs, I’ve seen it all and had it all so nothing phases me, everything excites me, and I’ve 100% got you.
Catastrophe is born out of worry, the unknown, and the fear of not having control. I will share and guide you in all you need to know. I shall de mystify the ceremony itself by sending you the script to tweak and edit so its perfect for you, and you will have he final say, AND we have a rehearsal.
I make your ceremony failure proof. Promise.

Concept, Planner and Celebrant Helen Noble @celebrantofsurrey
Photography @jasonleamanphotography
Event hire and styling @soireesurrey
Flowers @carrie.macey
Videographer @sn_photoandvideo
Hair and Makeup @gemmalouisebridal
Bridal gown @weddingfroxbridalboutique
Bridal Boots @houseofelliotlaceboots
Bridal hair piece @rachelchaprunne
Rings @lawsonjcarr
Grooms suit @hire_5menswear
Cake @cakesbyniacummings
Stationery @tigerlilyweddingstationery
Violinst @jennifermaslinmusic
Glasswear & crockery & chairs @crystalhireltd
Jewellery @adalise_jewellery
Wooden ring holder @fudge_meade
Rings @lawsonjcarr
Honey favours @sergiobeefriends
Gin @silentpoolgin
Violinist Outfit @thegateboutiqueguildford
Bridal jacket @depicteddenim
Napkins @just_4_linen