It’s all about the energy for me.
Masculine and feminine energy is divine. It’s a spirituality. It’s not about gender or being Male or Female. Everyone needs both, but how you balance them is up to you.
For me, I attract lots of male AND female clients. I have as many grooms reach out to me as I do Brides, and Father of the Brides, plus the occasional Best Man.
Masculine energy
Is about decisive, taking action. It can be risk taking but it’s usually assertive confidence and works best around structure.
I love that about the masculine energy. Nothing drives me more potty that indecisiveness, apathy, and lacking in intention. SO, when I’m in my masculine energy – I get S*** done!
BUT how do I get into my masculine energy? Well, I need to embrace my feminine energy.
Feminine Energy
Is about embracing creativity. Dancing in the freedom of your mind, expression and mood, and feeling empowered to move with your own flow.
When I do my mindset work, I am embracing my feminine energy. I journal because it helps me. I do handstands daily to physically change my energy and perspective. I’ve just completed 4 sessions of Equine coaching – letting the horse do the talking…(wow btw!) It calms my mind and gives space for the best creativity to come, which then puts me in the right frame of mind to embrace my masculine energy. The combination is a powerhouse of combined energy!
This was how I styled my BLUEBELL WOOD SHOOT.
It’s the last day of May, and the last of the bluebells are just bidding us farewell – I hope you got to the woods to see them and smell them!
If you didn’t – get your fix here!
Starting point – Both. I wanted to do a shoot to showcase me as a brand, as a person, as a style. The masculine energy was driving me to make it happen. I was decisive, I was a leader and a coordinator. I was working on logistics to make it happen. I was driven and decisive; BUT I needed my creative space, and this is where the creativity and openness of my feminine energy came in. With enough self-trust to share my vision with my invite only suppliers. To give them a strong brief in the masculine, but then leave them to be creative in their own feminine energy!
The results were phenomenal!

Taking inspiration from the feminine and masculine energies I set it against the theme of contrast and harmony. It was the contrast of more than a year of living with the Virus in our world where humanity struggled but nature flourished and then the harmony of it all as we learnt to find balance, and LOVE was not cancelled. It actually shifted our energies and re-focused us.


The metal structure in the moongate and the glass columns with pure white candles from @Soireesurrey combined with the wild flowing female creative energetic design of the flowers (created by @carrie.macey at Topiary-tree) made them seem to be flourishing from the earth to take it over. The wooden ring holder @fudge_meade, held the rings from @lawsonjcarr and myself @celebrantofsurrey and @jennifermaslinmusic wore bangles, necklaces and earrings from @adalise_jewellery wtih all circular things – from bands to bangles, moogates to candles!
The circle is SUCH an important shape.
According to Kinship diagrams in anthropology the Circle is a female shape.
So, in all things creative and in flow, I wanted the circle.
The incredible cake from @cakesbyniacummings was full of feminine energy, but with a slice taken out of it. Porcelain broken plate effect coming through to show again that one thing is solely one energy. We are a sum of all our parts, and this cake has so many parts and incredible sugar flowers.

I continued with the feminine energy and shape into the table styling.
Circles found in the plates (I deliberately didn‘t chose square or tiles or slate) but circular stone plates, with sphere beading gold glass chargers both from @crystalhireltd, set onto a larger gold circular charger. I also mixed and didn’t match the place settings. The couple
aren’t the same, so their table place could be unique to them. One black with white, one white with Bluebell blue napkins from @just_4_linin, one with blue ribbon on their place names and one with pink, from the stunning stationary artist @tigerlilyweddingstationery, who also did the vow cards, beautifully embracing both energies. Both table settings were topped with a soft pink rose from @carrie.macey .

The favors were round Honey pots, and of course that universal shape of the spiral for the Honey spoon- because we all want to BEE friendly, and to be sustainable (I’ll do a blog on that another time!) and it just is nice to have life as sweet as honey, from @sergiobeefriends
Triangle is said to channel the masculine energy.
At the table, I chose the pyramid cut goblets; again, bride and groom had different colors to show contrast and harmony. There was also tabletop pyramids filled with LED lights and moss which gave a gorgeous effect.

In the ceremony space, we stood in a triangle. It’s a powerful dynamic. With the triangle said to channel the masculine energy, I made sure all the powerful decisive, and strong points had a triangle at their core. We were in action now, we were being decisive, we were holding out ground – triangle all the way!

Check out this power pose of the triangle of the leg position, with those incredible lace boots from @houseofelliotlaceboots connecting the three points of the bride the groom and the chair. Triangle.

The triangle and pyramid featured throughout – and look at the outcome of being in harmony with both your action and decision of the masculine triangle, and the energetic fun flow of the female circle. The wedding gown from @weddingfroxbridalboutique. Who really grasped my vision and ran with it! I adore the triangle neckline, the triangle trumpet sleeves, which all work so well with the triangular and oval combo of the incredible bridal crown by @rachelchaprunne! All this shown off by my stunning real bride Anita, with hair and make-up done by the funny and fantastic @Gemmalouisebridal who absolutely captures the strength and commitment of masculine energy allowing the fun, energy and beauty of the feminine energy to absolutely flow through with ease.

Of course, gin and Tonic help!
A circle log slice pyramid – it’s a win win! The Gin was @silentpoolgin ‘s new Rose gin – again the feminine choice, but what I loved and why I chose this gin, is you garnish it with pear – which you can’t help but cut into triangles! Honestly, I absolutely doused the styling in pure energy!

Once you start looking, you see triangles and circles everywhere!
It’s not an accident. A triangle/ pyramid is the strongest shape for any foundation. You can even see it in the positioning of the violin in the hands of the violinist.

Here the colors pop and compliment, the shape of the tall trees and the small delicate bluebells; the strong wood of the stand and the violin against the soft fabric dressing the stand and the beautiful dress from @thegateboutique. For our perfect groom – he was the perfect groom – we had Andy in @hire5_menswear 3 piece blue suit. And yes – if you haven’t worked it out by now – good things come in 3’s! Triangles, power pyramids, or just magic like 3 wishes and 3 fairies! We are in the woods after all!

The woods were too gorgeous not to sit for a moment and take it all in. The honeybees are just beginning to come out in MAY, the birds were singing, and Jenny was playing the violin. The sun was out, and the ENERGY was incredible from start to finish, from concept to delivery. Why? Because we ALL embraced both our masculine energy AND our feminine energy. Its balance, union and making space for both to flourish!
Find and embrace both your masculine and feminine energies and your marriage will be in flow, be strong and be truly full of the power of good vibes!

Here, I sat down and soaked it all up – whilst wearing the most wonderful hand painted jacket from @depicteddenim of bees and bluebells!
MOST OF ALL – get your photographer and videographer on board – otherwise no one will be able to see the magic that you make!
Jason @jasonleamanphotography was my chosen photographer for this shoot. I wanted his masculine energy to capture the contrast, the structures and the style decisions I had made and capture them on camera with the commitment to light and dark, bright and shade.
Shona @sn_photoandvideo was my videographer, also chosen for her energy as well as her skill and talent. I mean – you don’t even need to read the blog to see and feel the energy! Please see the video here to see for yourself.
The team were incredible, and I’m THRILLED with the results! Embrace your inner energies folks – it’s a fantastic feeling all round!
Hope you love it as much as we all did!
With HUGE thanks to my team!

Bluebell shoot
Concept, Planner and Celebrant Helen Noble @celebrantofsurrey
Photography @jasonleamanphotography
Event hire and styling @soireesurrey
Flowers @carrie.macey
Videographer @sn_photoandvideo
Hair and Makeup @gemmalouisebridal
Bridal gown @weddingfroxbridalboutique
Bridal Boots @houseofelliotlaceboots
Bridal hair piece @rachelchaprunne
Rings @lawsonjcarr
Grooms suit @hire_5menswear
Cake @cakesbyniacummings
Stationery @tigerlilyweddingstationery
Violinst @jennifermaslinmusic
Glasswear & crockery & chairs @crystalhireltd
Jewellery @adalise_jewellery
Wooden ring holder @fudge_meade
Rings @lawsonjcarr Linen,
Honey favours @sergiobeefriends
Gin @silentpoolgin
Violinist Outfit – @thegateboutiqueguildford
Bridal jacket @depicteddenim
Napkins @just_4_linen