If you’re done feeling overwhelmed with wedding planning every time you communicate with your partner and you’re ready to illuminate the love and union you’re about to make.

Then it’s time to shine the light on your marriage!

Why has wedding planning taken over your engagement, despite it being what you’ve always dreamt of

After spending years working with wedding couples, what Vicci and Helen have learned is that when people get engaged they go straight into planning a wedding. 

Pay attention because this is one of the most important (and foundational things) you’ll learn & if you don’t get it right now, it could cost you your marriage. 

Where most people think engagement is all about planning a wedding, or that marriage won’t change anything about their relationship – what they’re missing is the CRUCIAL step that comes before anything else;

Actually Preparing for marriage.

Without preparing for your marriage and shining a light on the most important part of your wedding, your union, when the honeymoon is over and marriage becomes challenging, you’ll have missed out on the crucial steps to having a healthy and successful marriage. 

To have a long, healthy and successful marriage…


…you have to master the art of communication and the universal love that brings you both together.


But There’s a Problem:

  • You’re spending so much time planning the wedding that you haven’t had or got any time for the two of you to reconnect.
  • All you talk about is the wedding, you’re slightly concerned about what you’ll talk about after.
  • With the everyday stresses of life with work, friends and family, you haven’t had a chance to think about what comes after the wedding.
  • There are so many decisions to be made it’s become really overwhelming and you’re starting to wish the wedding would hurry up and get here.
  • Your partner isn’t getting too involved in the wedding planning which is adding more stress to you and making you feel like why are you bothering.
  • You’ve already got a pretty easy relationship, you can’t wait to get married, and don’t think much will change once your married.
  • You could never convince your partner to do a pre-marriage course.
  • There’s so much to think about the whole day you’ve barely had time to think about the ceremony.
  •  You’re spending so much on the wedding, the financial strain is taking a toll on your both leaving you questioning whether you should have just eloped.

Say Goodbye to feeling disconnected as a couple.

A lack of focus on anything but the wedding keeps you on the hamster wheel of wedding planning, leaving you feeling overwhelmed, tense and making wedding planning feel like a chore and something you ‘have to do’ rather than an enjoyable process. 

You’re constantly under pressure of trying to make this your best day of your lives, making you feel the strain and wondering why you didn’t just elope.

Then you feel totally disconnected from the real reason behind all the stress, creating a huge disconnect between you and your partner. 

The disagreements dampen your excitement about the wedding and you end up questioning why you decided to get married in the first place, which quickly spirals into feeling resentment. 

What’s going to happen to your life if you DON’T prepare for marriage?


Time invested now ensures you both value & commit to the foundations of a strong, healthy and successful marriage.

Not understanding the values and vision you both hold for marriage creates frustration and conflict… Preparation opens up clarity on what you both truly value and what your expectations are of marriage. You’ll always have these values to come back to no matter what decisions or challenges come your way.

A difference in communication triggers disconnection and resentment in couples… However, an understanding of each other’s love languages helps ensure you receive love in a way that makes you feel loved and you show love in the way your partner receives love (these are often not the same). 

Expectations brought into your marriage from your family of origin can cause ongoing trials and tribulations and affect other members of your families or friends… A clear understanding of your expectations of roles and responsibilities as your marriage proceeds will ensure there is less conflict with others and keep you as a new family unit setting your own traditions and ways of doing things.

Marriage preparation creates strong, healthy relationships with deep respect, universal love and connection.


Here what one of our couples has to say about the course

Your marriage and partnership will be an inspiration to those around you and on your wedding day your loved ones will feel the incredible deep bond and love you share.


The truth is you’re here to have the happiest, loving and deeply fulfilling relationship.


We’re here to make that happen.


Consider us your marriage preparation gurus. We can deepen and strengthen your relationship and teach you things about your partner you didn’t even know.


So that you can get back to wedding planning, knowing you have taken the time to prepare for this exciting new chapter of your life.


It’s time to connect, on a deep level and prepare for this joyous and momentous occasion in your lives.

What is covered in the course?


  • Welcome and Introductions


  • Overview of Course and Goals


  • Healthy Marriage Workbook


  • Your Story


  • Your Marriage Lens


  • Love Languages


  • Roles & Responsibilities, Mental Health &Wellness & Self-Discovery

Who are we?

You can find out more about Helen and Vicci below.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch.

If you would love to do this course but this date/time doesn’t work for you please let us know as we are planning the next round of this now.

Helen Noble is not just a wedding celebrant; she’s your partner in crafting the perfect ceremony. As an award winning expert in ceremony design & ceremony script writing she brings a wealth of experience, boundless enthusiasm, and unwavering dedication to your special day.

Helen helps clients plan, create & style their own ceremony based on what their beliefs are on marriage. She is the Go TO celebrant FOR celebrants and fellow industry suppliers. She’s your problem solver, your guide, your source of inspiration and comes to the table with her toolbox full of solutions, options, and ideas for your perfect day.

Helen just WON the ‘Celebrant of the Year’ award at the 2024 UK Weddings & Honeymoons Media awards, is a course contributor at the Academy of Modern Celebrancy and has a background in theatre theology and London events.

She is also Mum to 3 children, a cat and a lively dog as well as a fun loving, if not shattered husband!

Vicci Massey is an International Health & Wellness Coach with a huge passion for the wellness of the wedding industry. She has just celebrated being a Finalist for ‘Influencer of the Year” by UK Weddings & Honeymoons Media as sees couples fall into the trap of weddings being focused on how everything looks on the outside and is on a mission to go beyond the photographs.

Vicci is a wedding fragrance specialist for Jo Malone London & experienced events coordinator and sees and hears first hand the stresses that wedding planning can bring. As a recovering people-pleaser she knows what impact stress can have on your health and energy which is only enhanced while trying to plan your dream wedding.

For Vicci it’s also about what comes after the wedding and honeymoon and being prepared for the adventures of marriage, both physically and mentally, to have understanding of why both of you are entering this partnership, and the values that each of you hold.

Vicci has been married for ten years and has two young children. And knows the Disney dream of Happily Ever After is harder than it looks.