Naming Ceremonies, your Questions Answered

by | Aug 19, 2020 | Namings

What is a Naming Ceremony?

It’s a rite of passage. Typically, a Naming Ceremony is for infants.  For us to officially welcome them in the world and to formally introduce them into the circle of family and friends with Guiding adults, balloons and cake is always a good start! Of course it can be a naming for plenty of other reason, but lets start simple for now…..

It is for those people who wish to mark the happy occasion and celebrate the child, but with in their own family and community, rather than that of the Church or under any religious or council control.
A naming is an independent ceremony, created by me, with you for them.

What age should the child be?

Any age! For an infant naming, it can be as and when the family and baby are healthy and happy and able to gather together. It could be you want to wait until you feel you have got to know your baby a little, so perhaps from about 4 months. Others, I love to combine a naming ceremony with their first birthday – it means we celebrate the parents too getting their little one through their first year! Thats always a BIG WIN!

It might be you want to wait till they are at pre school and that they can use it as a confidence boost. All their ‘top’ people gather round and celebrate how wonderful this little person’s life and character is – and they begin to understand the relationship of their guiding adults.

What if I’m older, even an adult and I’ve changed my name? Does deed pole count?

Yes! A Naming Ceremony is there to celebrate the very essence of who you are and how you feel. It might be a gender reassignment, and you decide to mark the end of that successful transition with your new name! Perhaps you have got divorced and wish to shed your old name that had caused you so much pain wishing to return to your birth name. We can still celebrate any which way you wish! Its all very emotional and rather amazing and absolutely inspiring.

Where can you hold a Naming Ceremony?

Wherever! The back garden, a pub room you have hired, a village hall, a swanky venue…anywhere. All you need is the landlords permission ☺

What is in a Naming Ceremony? – What happens?

The short answer is what ever you like, but it tends to contain a bit of story telling about the named person, a reading or two that reflects the sentiment you want to share, and then something ceremonial – be that vows or pledges from Guiding adults, a tree planting, anointing, or a hand binding for example. Perhaps you want to present a gift, or light a candle, or play and sing… what ever your thoughts are we can create something really special for you.

Get in touch, there is loads more to say and much more to explore!

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