​​From Worry to Wonder

by | Jan 21, 2022 | Weddings, Your Ceremony

How to have ownership of your wedding ceremony

You might run your own business, be a CEO or senior manager, you might be constantly multi-tasking and spinning plants , or you might be a project manager love a spreadsheet and control is your comfort zone… then ‘Will you marry me’ is on the table.

That’s fine, you have a spread sheet for that! You have a list of venues to visit, people to see and places to go! Lovely. The logistics are sorted. You breathe, you reflect and you have a moment to slow down.
In the space of that moment, you remember what is it all for. You remember it’s because of love, and freedom, and choice and valuing your values, AND promising to be the best person you can be and hold your own happiness and give joy to theirs. Argh. Vows. The actual ceremony. The actual ‘wedding’ part of the wedding. Oh. Not thought about that. Oh god, that’s mystery. I don’t have control over that bit do I?

A ceremony with me – Yes you DO!

YOU absolutely have control of the ceremony when its Celebrant led! 

And when I say Celebrant led – I mean truly CELEBRANT led, not a registra telling you can you can have a celebrant like ceremony with them as they do your legals, but I mean truly yours to control.

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The time ahead of the proposal is time that been filled with love care attention and intention, then the run up to the wedding is also that intention, but the dynamic of it changes, so by the time you actually get to your wedding day, your either so full of adrenaline it passes you by in a flash or your so full of anxiety and worry that its was all a blur.

But I’m here to tell you are different.

I’m here to tell you that the antidote to loss of control is love. 

I’m here to say if you love your values and live by them, and you love your partner and want to do right by them, then give the CEREMONY VALUE.

Put love at the heart of the wedding, at the heart to the ceremony, love will be the control.

So ask yourself – what you LOVE?

Do you love the outdoors?

If so  – great – have an outdoor wedding WITHOUT seasonal timing restrictions  ..

If you love Architecture and botanics, then great – Hire a glass house or an orangery for example…

When you walk up the aisle, it will be crystal clear as you will only have eyes for the love at the top. You won’t be worrying about what speed to walk, where to stand when you get there, if you can get in at the right time.. because you will KNOW because we would have had a rehearsal.

You even get to see the script in full and can edit it till your heart’s content!

I mean, I could go on!  But with the amount of love you invest in the relationship, the proposal and the planning, you need to match that value in the wedding itself.

So, sit back, enjoy the SPACE that a celebrant led wedding with me will give you, and put on your lacy boots  – just because you can and you LOVE those too!

Get in contact, I have some dates left in ’22 , a few in ’23 and am opening the doors to ’24!

Value the heart of the day, value your heart.


X Helen

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